Imagine the years of joy you could miss out on if you only accepted the criticisms of others?

I’m standing at the virtual crossroads, but my soul was signed away to the eDevil a long time ago.

What are some of your favorite foods or drinks that you loved as a child, or even as an adult, but can’t or won’t have now?

Where were you and what were you doing on the day our American world stopped turning?

Who are you? No, I don’t mean your name or where you come from. Who are you really?

Was there something in your life you encountered that caused you to veer from your chosen path?

Now, what I’m about to tell you is the honest truth. I’d swear on stacks of any books you’d want to put in front of me. Here we go…

Is there a book you read in your youth that influenced you to become the person you are today?

Was there something you always wanted to do but never quite got around to it? A regret, or a sigh of relief?

Even though you weren’t there when the artist envisioned the work or performed it, your imagination takes over and it’s almost as though it was a past reality of your own